Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Search Year 2007: Search News, In Review

Each month, I compile Search Month -- a recap of all the stories that have happened relating to search, categorized by topic. I thought it would be fun to take all the Search Months over the past year and produce this edition of Search Year 2007. It was far more work than I imagined, but I hope you'll find this at-a-glance guide to what happened in search during 2007 to be helpful.

At-a-glance might be a stretch. This is a massive post, and I'm sure some people might feel a bit of overload. So here's some guidance as to how things are organized.

In many categories, I tried to pick the biggest news story for that topic. This isn't always the case. With some categories such as SEO, there where many good, compelling stories. In some of those cases, I went with a catchy headline or a recent, broadly applicable article. I wish I'd had the time to more closely go through and pick out the very best in each section, but it was too much effort.

Below each main story are other stories on the topic. These are generally listed in descending chronological order, newest coming first. I find it a handy way to see how things unfolded in a particular category. However, in some case I have grouped stories by company or subtopic.

Also keep in mind that Search Engine Land has extensive categorized archives -- our various "Lands" where you can find stories categorized over time and more deeply than these. I've called these out for each category. You can also find a full list here. Our extensive online archives are nice, because the same story can be cross-categorized as appropriate. Unfortunately, there's minimal cross-categorization in this end-of-the-year recap.

Also remember that if you like Search Year, Search Month does the same thing on a monthly basis. So check it out. It's available by feed or email, as is our daily search news recap, SearchCap.

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