Way too often, I have seen online businesses spending significant time and money driving people to their sites, but spending next to no time thinking about which pages are most effective to send their customers to. Also, many e-marketers do not take the time to modify and test their landing pages in order to make sure that they are using the right words, offers, images, and page structures that most effectively turn visitors into cash.
This is one of the most important aspects of effective Online Marketing - "and sadly, it is most often overlooked. If you don't seriously look into your landing page optimization before you start spending online marketing dollars, you are missing out on huge opportunities. Slight modifications in your pages might prove to increase your conversion rate by huge amounts.
Keep in mind that it is not often effective to send a person to your sites homepage unless that is where you initiate the action that you want them to perform in Online Marketing. The most desired action might be for them to make a purchase, sign up for an email newsletter or any other actionable and measurable objective of your Internet marketing campaign (Online Marketing). Therefore, make sure you are not sending them to your homepage when another page in your site is more appropriate to be the landing page.
When choosing your landing pages effectively you ought to classify your prospects based on different stages of the consumer buying cycle they are in. There are essentially six stages: awareness, interest, consideration, purchase, retention, and advocacy. As a web marketer, you need to group all the pages on your website that add value and classify them based on how they correspond to each stage in the buying cycle; then, sort them by conversion ability and assign them to targeted keywords.
To illustrate, if a prospect is building her/his awareness about a product, she/he is not ready to buy from you. So you as a marketer should send this prospect to a Web page on your site where you provide information that she/he is looking for. Conversely, if your prospect is at the purchase stage, you need to send her/him right to the shopping cart page.
For example, if you sell digital cameras on the Web and you buy search media traffic, such as keywords on search engines, and a searcher typed digital camera into a search box you want this prospect to land on the area of your site where you provide digital camera reviews and related articles on Online Marketing. Simply, this searcher is not ready to buy from you at this time. You need to build a relationship first, position yourself as an expert, offer free advice and links to e-commerce areas on your Web site related to the cameras you are recommending. Only then you have a shot at converting this prospect into a buyer. Likewise, if a searcher typed “sony camera model 123, you should use an e commerce area on your site as a landing page where you sell that particular model. The latter has already made up her/his mind about what type of digital camera to buy and is looking for a good price and quick / easy check-out.
It might be helpful to think of your online marketing campaigns in two parts. First, you are pitching to your prospects with the actual marketing activities, reaching out to people in order to pull them into your site for Online Marketing. But once you get them there, you need to capture and captivate them to do business with you or else they ll slip through your fingers and end up on somebody else site, doing business with them.
So, landing page optimization is the practice of preparing your site to receive and convert your prospects most effectively Online Marketing. If you have a large online marketing budget you may invest in landing page optimization software. Such tools perform a variety of essential activities ranging from helping you design an effective landing page; writing powerful copy; creating effective thank-you pages; testing appropriately; and modifying your landing pages based on the feedback from your testing. But for starters common sense and understanding of consumer buying cycle should make a huge difference and boost your conversion rates incrementally.
For more information about landing page optimization visit my Web site www.EMarketingInaBox.com, where I offer free e book, articles and tips on how to attract, monetize and retain your Web site visitors.
Matthew Capala
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