Sunday, February 24, 2008

engine marketing optimization resource search web

Search engine optimization is important for getting a higher ranking on search engines - and thus more exposure to your website. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

However, it can be very expensive to engage the services of search engine optimization specialists to take care of this for you. In fact, some large companies pay many thousands of dollars just to get their websites to rank higher in Google, Yahoo and MSN. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

Of course not everyone has this kind of money in their budget to spend on SEO. As such most people choose to do SEO themselves. Just be aware that achieving a high ranking is not easy. If you have more time than money then naturally this is the preferred method. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

To help you get started, here are seven things you need to do to optimize your website to give yourself a fighting chance:

1. Title Tag

The title tag is the most powerful on-site search engine optimization you have, so use it creatively. What you place in the title tag should include the keywords that you are trying to optimize your page for. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

And most importantly - every single web page should have its own title tag!

2. File Name

Each webpage has to have a url/filename. For instance if you had a webpage on your domain that was talking about widgets then the url/filename would be:

Proper SEO dictates that one of the things you absolutely MUST do is include your keyowrd in the filr name itself. Say you have a website about fishing are you are going to write a webpage on "fishing rods". Then you should name the page fishingrods.html OR fishing_rods.html. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

By including the keyword in the page filename you have already alerted the Search Engines as to what your page content is about. Let me illustrate how powerful this one trick really is.

I took some of my students pages, that were not even ranked in the top 500 SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages), and changed the filename, the title tag and the headline from a h2 or h3 tag to an h1 tag. After a few weeks those pages were getting ranked in the top 10 - 25 results. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

3. Headline

The next important factor - that all newbies and experienced alike miss - is the headline. Your keyword absolutely MUST be used in the first two to four words of your headline. As previously noted the headline should also be in h1 font size. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

4. First Paragraph

Here is one that 98% of people miss. I have even seen a lot of people who call themselves SEO experts miss this one.

In the first sentence of your first paragraph you must peoperly use your main keyword for that page. If you are using more than one keyword then the other keywrods must also be used in that first paragraph - in the order you have them listed in your keyword Meta Tag for that page. Engine marketing optimization resource search web.

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